понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

art gallery moving spirit

Hi its Pree here.
You might have already realised because i type less "gay-ly" then my bf,
who is obviously not a gay but i still think heapos;s a gay but he donapos;t think heapos;s a gay but his friends call each other gays.

SO, idk what iapos;m talking about.
Iapos;m so screwed due to Oapos;s, imma fail it and go to the worst school possible.
Srsly, no more JC for me, no more :(

i havenapos;t studied for two days.
Ha, see that :(

Ok good luck to all of Ronapos;s friends taking Os.
all my friends reading this too.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

deh p4100

I rented P.S. I Love You last Monday and had been watching it everyday and bawling my eyes out to it. I love that movie. Everything about it.

Today I�had to return it and bawled my eyes out equally as much because of it. I watched a few last clips and said my goodbyes. The really horrible thing was I�had to rent E.T. For a film class the same day I had to return P.S. I Love You. Which made me want to bawl my eyes out even more.

So for Christmas, if youapos;re thinking about getting me a present but donapos;t know what to get me, I would like the DVD of P.S. I Love You so that I�may snap the lights off and return to my misery-decked apartment and resume my obsession.

I didnapos;t realize that this could be the start of a "funk" until today. And I�donapos;t mean "funk" as in "boogie-down". But I think as long as I admit to being in a "funk" and I can pull myself out at anytime, then I may continue on with my healthy depression.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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This is one hell of a fucking rare occasion where i actually post. Generally, iapos;d be too fucking lazy to post on this blog, but today, i feel i ought to scream my guts out, rip my heart out, and break loose. Gawsh, life is fucking screwed.
now, why am i so unlucky? the first time i actually planned a birthday surprise for someone, it all totally goes wrong last minute. And worse, i planned it for a week, i even asked my boss the stupidest thing ever (can you close a little earlier?) just to make sure there werenapos;t any customers. I planned it all, so that it would go smoothly. I asked everyone to cooperate with the plan. All this was just a way for me to show that person how i truly felt, but NOOOOOO, it all went wrong. I smoked my POSB account just to get her present, and i just wanted a few minutes alone with her to tell her.

but no, itapos;s all too late.
now there she is, happily tgt with someone else, and well, i wish her all the best, but damn it, itapos;s so fucking unfair. I held my feelings for five fucking months, whenever my feelings for her go on a certain high, something bad (to me) happens WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? now i donapos;t even know what to do, i lost all my hope in practically everything. I even got a little scolding from david today at jaben, all because i wasnapos;t feeling too well, and maybe my mind drifted off a little. I donapos;t blame him, iapos;m at fault, but wtf, i just dont know. Damn it

somebody, just tell me, why am i so stupid? huh?
right now, i think i ought to just fuck care about anything, i just donapos;t feel like myself anymore. Itapos;s so fucking hard to think about life without.. Oh well. Forget about it, nobody cares, to begin with. (now here i am going all "EMO")


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caremax medical resource

Not a whole lot to go over today at all, but I need to get it done so I get the 4 hours of sleep I want (yeah, I think thatapos;ll be it). I woke up at 6:45 and went off to school, after spending too much time trying to fix my annoying hair. At least the buses came early enough to take me there. I didnapos;t read or anything on the way, and I went straight to my history tutorial (although slowly). Despite the fact that we had no readings, we found plenty to talk about. It was something like what it usually is, except we spent more time at the end talking about the next assignment. It doesnapos;t seem too difficult, though itapos;ll definitely require some work. I know I wonapos;t have time this weekend, especially if I want to get more of that short story (which Iapos;ve neglected all week) done, so Iapos;ll have to try to start it this weekend. Anyway, after that tutorial I went to evolution, where I found out I can check test answers really soon (though Iapos;ll probably just wait to get the official result). The tutorial was pretty basic but I was really tired and antsy throughout the whole thing. At the end I chatted with this guy Iapos;d met there some time ago, but I left pretty quickly. I was dozing on the whole bus ride home, and as soon as I got into the house, I went down to my room and slept. I woke up about 3 hours later, just before 4 oapos;clock or something like that.

I waited around upstairs for a few minutes after waking up, because before long my mom came home with food from kfc. My sister had also won two medals for team tennis stuff. Anyway I ate, which took a long time since it was take-out stuff, and was watching TV while doing that. After I finished I think I just decided to start my reading. I had a plan to finish the communist manifesto for my humanities online forum tonight, since I donapos;t want to get tied down to having to do too much stuff. I did start, and eventually finished, though in between I was watching my sisters and mom playing animal crossing and stuff, and talking to them. But I did I finish. After I finished I think I was talking to my dad a bit about politics, and I sent this email that I had to do and that kind of thing. Maybe I finished the last of the book after that. Iapos;m not sure of the order. In any case, at that point I started working on my forum response, which was the first one this week. Itapos;s pretty long, but whatever. I just hope Iapos;m not way too boring and impossible to understand, though I probably am. That took me until about 1 oapos;clock, too. At that point I spent about half an hour fretting over this writersapos; thing tomorrow, which Iapos;m pretty much going to. I donapos;t know what I feel about it. For some reason I think itapos;ll be bad or embarrassing or something, which really annoys me. I should go, though, since I donapos;t have a whole lot to do this weekend. Iapos;ll try hard to enjoy it (and to wake up early), though Iapos;m supposed to get a signature from my mom that I never got for this form...I might have to wake her up or something. Anyway, after looking at that I wasted some time, and immediately washed my hair, on time. But Iapos;ve kind of fallen behind schedule now since I wanted to watch Reno911 (though I wrote most of this during the show). So I guess Iapos;m going to bed now...after shaving. Lets hope I donapos;t fall asleep tomorrow, and that it doesnapos;t become a totally shitty experience. Lately Iapos;ve really been feeling like I need some way to get out my grievances and insecurities, and friends are awesome but I feel like I need someone to talk to who would never exist...just saying. Good night.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Over the next eighteen years, Hack has been carefully raising the daughter of the legendary Rebel fighter, Adiana, in a secluded section of the Russian forests, far away from other human interaction.� Heapos;s raised her much as her mother would want her to be raised, teaching her survival, combat, and tactics.� Hackapos;s nickname is apos;Fateweaverapos; for a reason, he knows whatapos;s going to happen in Athenaapos;s future, and is training her to be able to survive through it all.

On her 18th birthday, Hack throws her a little party, complete with cake and ice cream of her favorite kind, and smiles at her.� "Itapos;s going to be a very special day today.� Later tonight, you and I�will have to go our separate ways, so letapos;s enjoy this day as much as we can."

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I am looking for two fics, both are K/L:

1. Takes place after Kara comes back from Caprica for the first time.� Kara is pregnant and tells Lee its Samapos;s.� Lee decides to help her anyway.�

2. The only thing I remember about this fic is that they have found Earth, Kara and Lee get back together.� Before they tell the Old Man, he sees them on his front lawn and thinks that Lee is kissing Kara apos;like Lee wants to make him a grandson right there.apos;

Anybody have any ideas?

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

andalex language services

Are Grandparents in todayapos;s so called modern society a liability or assets? Grandparenst or elder persons after certain age become dependant due to the Phisical changes in the human structure. Due to ineffectivess to earn money to support living or else due to frequent illness and weakness occuring in body, the old people cant be put to hardships. Grandparents or elder people in house are precious assets to thier children and their grandchildren, rather than a mear liability�as they play important role in raising their grandchildren, supporting morally, and guiding in the tedious situation.

Grandparents play important role in raising their grandchildren. They are the one to take care of their grandchildren in the absence of their parents. In todayapos;s compitetive and fast world the bread earner of the family has seldom time to donate for his or her family. In this case of negligence the only sufferer �are his/her children. Time bindings can lead to various problem faced by the parents as they cannot attend the fuctions of their children which lead to serious morale breakdown of the children. Various obvious situation which may seem not so worthy for the parents can deeply harm their children. Thus to help them out from such situation they look for some elders. Grandparents play an important role in such cases.

Moral support is one of the major asspect in todayapos;s stressfull world. Many Times in this modren society persons go through many �tense situatiions. He/she obviously look for the support of elder person. Grandparents can prove most beneficial as they also have some times went through those situation and their experince can prove vital in tacklling such cases. As in some cases like when a person working in a company is not paid enough for his effort, he can get irritated and may develop insecurity in his mind reducing his/ her confidence. Here he/ she can find solace in their elders or the grandparents in home.�

A man learns for the experince and can also share his experince with his family to help them to be prepare for such occasions. He is one to guide well to other in that case. Obviously the most experinced person ith family are grandparents. Through their proper guidance in the circumstances a person can easily overcome his trouble. Say for example raising a new born baby can be a very tedious job. Bathing a baby is a very complicated process as it requires proper knowledge and this can easily be obtained from grandparents in home as they are more experinced in doing this.

Although in some tragic circumstances like sever illness grandparents can be liability still they can be the best� morale support and best guide in the walk of life.So it is necessory to respect them and to create a place in home for them as they are the ones whos had brought you up and made you so able to be succesfull in life.

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So this morning i had an interview at best buy. I think i did pretty well. And they are also short staffed, so there is a pretty good chance that i will get the job. All i have to do is have an interview with the manager. (this one was with an assistant manager). But hopefully that interview will go good as well. Ill prob have it early next week. But i guess life might be starting to look up. But with a few things that are looking good happening there is good chance not all will go through. But all i can do is hope. And maybe in one month i will be mildly happy.

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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

cedar grove middle

Okay - Iapos;ve sat on this a week, and I just keep getting more worked up about it. Time to let it out.

Last weekend - Sunday, to be exact - I finally contacted Conor and told him I wanted my vacuum cleaner back. I would have let it go if it were just any vacuum, but this one is a $500 Dyson.

He texted me and told me he was at home and I could come get it. But he also asked when I thought I could pay him back for the move.

Background: I moved to Portland in June under the impression that Conor and I would move in together. By July, Iapos;d found a place and started purchasing furniture before he broke up with me. So, I was already out money and already moved and in a bad position by the time I realized I was going to have to do this alone. Iapos;ve spent three times as much money as Iapos;d expected on this move, and the only thing he paid for were the actual movers.

On the movers: They were supposed to bring my stuff to my house. They didnapos;t. They were supposed to contact me when they came into town. They didnapos;t. They were supposed to charge us $1600; by the time it was done, it was over $2000 (including the ridiculous tip Conor gave them). And because Conor didnapos;t get my stuff packed and friends had to come THE DAY BEFORE THE MOVERS SHOWED UP to hurriedly pack my stuff, a lot of my things got broken.

Oh, and Iapos;m still missing stuff, and Conor still hasnapos;t given me the contract so I can contact them and see if I can figure out where my shit is. Iapos;ve asked half a dozen times, then gave up when 45 days had passed. So Iapos;m out stuff as well, because he couldnapos;t be bothered.

You can imagine, then, how angry I was that he asked me to pay for half of the move. Iapos;ve already given him part of it anyway, when I was still trying to be friendly, but thereapos;s still a matter of about $600, which doesnapos;t even cover the books Iapos;m still missing.

My thought process goes a bit like this: Conor has not honored a single commitment he made to me about this move. He hasnapos;t even bothered to tell me why he broke up with me, and heapos;s admitted that he didnapos;t put any effort toward trying to be a friend to me. Heapos;s been horrible and shitty...and honestly, I canapos;t think of one good reason I should honor giving him that money.

Iapos;m writing this for two reasons. The first is that I want this venom out of me - it hurts, it pisses me off, and it eats at me. So I put it here and hope it dissipates.

The second, though, is more important. In my state, Iapos;m pretty sure Iapos;m responding emotionally to this situation and am not thinking clearly. Iapos;d like to know if anyone out there thinks I should reconsider and pay him back. Before I write him a "f^$ you" letter, I thought Iapos;d ask what others thought. Am I just being cruel? Is my thought process valid? Your thoughts would be appreciated.
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