суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

caremax medical resource

Not a whole lot to go over today at all, but I need to get it done so I get the 4 hours of sleep I want (yeah, I think thatapos;ll be it). I woke up at 6:45 and went off to school, after spending too much time trying to fix my annoying hair. At least the buses came early enough to take me there. I didnapos;t read or anything on the way, and I went straight to my history tutorial (although slowly). Despite the fact that we had no readings, we found plenty to talk about. It was something like what it usually is, except we spent more time at the end talking about the next assignment. It doesnapos;t seem too difficult, though itapos;ll definitely require some work. I know I wonapos;t have time this weekend, especially if I want to get more of that short story (which Iapos;ve neglected all week) done, so Iapos;ll have to try to start it this weekend. Anyway, after that tutorial I went to evolution, where I found out I can check test answers really soon (though Iapos;ll probably just wait to get the official result). The tutorial was pretty basic but I was really tired and antsy throughout the whole thing. At the end I chatted with this guy Iapos;d met there some time ago, but I left pretty quickly. I was dozing on the whole bus ride home, and as soon as I got into the house, I went down to my room and slept. I woke up about 3 hours later, just before 4 oapos;clock or something like that.

I waited around upstairs for a few minutes after waking up, because before long my mom came home with food from kfc. My sister had also won two medals for team tennis stuff. Anyway I ate, which took a long time since it was take-out stuff, and was watching TV while doing that. After I finished I think I just decided to start my reading. I had a plan to finish the communist manifesto for my humanities online forum tonight, since I donapos;t want to get tied down to having to do too much stuff. I did start, and eventually finished, though in between I was watching my sisters and mom playing animal crossing and stuff, and talking to them. But I did I finish. After I finished I think I was talking to my dad a bit about politics, and I sent this email that I had to do and that kind of thing. Maybe I finished the last of the book after that. Iapos;m not sure of the order. In any case, at that point I started working on my forum response, which was the first one this week. Itapos;s pretty long, but whatever. I just hope Iapos;m not way too boring and impossible to understand, though I probably am. That took me until about 1 oapos;clock, too. At that point I spent about half an hour fretting over this writersapos; thing tomorrow, which Iapos;m pretty much going to. I donapos;t know what I feel about it. For some reason I think itapos;ll be bad or embarrassing or something, which really annoys me. I should go, though, since I donapos;t have a whole lot to do this weekend. Iapos;ll try hard to enjoy it (and to wake up early), though Iapos;m supposed to get a signature from my mom that I never got for this form...I might have to wake her up or something. Anyway, after looking at that I wasted some time, and immediately washed my hair, on time. But Iapos;ve kind of fallen behind schedule now since I wanted to watch Reno911 (though I wrote most of this during the show). So I guess Iapos;m going to bed now...after shaving. Lets hope I donapos;t fall asleep tomorrow, and that it doesnapos;t become a totally shitty experience. Lately Iapos;ve really been feeling like I need some way to get out my grievances and insecurities, and friends are awesome but I feel like I need someone to talk to who would never exist...just saying. Good night.
caremax medical resource, caremax medical resources, caremax pharmacy.

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